9 Unique Business Promotion Ideas for Pilates Instructors


As the owner of a Pilates studio, you know how important it is to build up your client base and keep them engaged. In this article, we will take a look at nine different ways that you can promote your business as a Pilates instructor. These promotion ideas range from free classes and workshops to paid subscriptions and paid seminars. No matter what type of promotion strategy you choose to use, they all have one thing in common: they will help make sure that people are coming into your studio instead of going elsewhere! The infra red sauna Northern Beaches explains the value of health to their clients.

Create a community.

  • Create a community.
  • Make it easy for people to find each other.
  • Create a space where people can share their experiences and exchange ideas.
  • Create a space where people can get support from others, as well as learn from one another in the process of doing so.

Build a referral network.

You can build a referral network by creating an online presence, sharing your business on social media and getting referrals from current clients.

  • Create a website that highlights the benefits of Pilates and describes what sets you apart from other instructors in the area. Your website should also include testimonials from previous clients to show prospective customers how much value you offer as an instructor.
  • Share photos of yourself teaching classes on Instagram or Facebook, along with links back to your website where people can find out more about how they can sign up for lessons with you directly. By putting yourself out there as an expert in this field, more people may start coming into your studio looking for help!

Develop your brand.

The first step to creating a successful brand is to develop a consistent identity across all platforms. This includes having a recognizable logo, color scheme, and name that are used in all advertising materials.

The best way to ensure this is by hiring an experienced graphic designer who can help you create the perfect image for your business. Once you have established what makes your Pilates studio unique from other studios in town (or online), it’s time to get started on developing a logo that represents those qualities!

Host a free seminar or workshop.

Hosting a free seminar or workshop is a great way to get the word out about your business, especially if it’s something unique. You can offer up an hour-long class on some new technique, or teach people how to do at-home Pilates exercises (or both). If you have enough space, consider holding it at your studio; if not, find another location that will work well for your audience–like a park or community center.

You’ll want to ensure that everyone who comes has fun and gets something out of it–after all, they’re coming because they like what you do as an instructor! To ensure this happens:

  • Make sure there’s plenty of room for participants’ mats so everyone has enough space during the class/workshop.* Ask attendees ahead of time where they’re from so that after each section ends there’s time for questions from those who are interested but don’t know much yet.* Offer follow-up resources such as DVDs with more information on specific topics covered during class/workshop

Create a monthly subscription for your clients.

  • Offer a monthly subscription service.
  • Define the benefits of your subscription service.
  • Price your subscription.
  • Market your subscription service to attract clients and get them to sign up for it, then follow up with them regularly to ensure they’re satisfied with their experience!

Offer virtual Pilates classes.

Offering online classes can be a great way to reach a wider audience and generate more business. You’ll be able to reach clients who live in areas where it would be difficult for them to attend regular Pilates classes, or who simply don’t have access to them at all.

The benefits of offering virtual Pilates classes include:

  • More flexibility for your students — they can choose when and where they want their session with you!
  • Increased revenue potential because there are fewer restrictions on where and when the sessions take place (e.g., location-based fees).

Have other instructors guest teach for you.

You can also invite other instructors to guest teach for you. Have them teach a class or two, and make sure that the topic is something they’re an expert in. This will give your students the opportunity to learn something new and keep them coming back for more!

You could even have multiple instructors come in and each teach a different style of Pilates, which would be great if you want some variety in your classes but don’t have time to put together another instructor yourself.

Host in-person events for potential clients to learn about Pilates and sample it.

In-person events are a great way to meet potential clients and get them excited about Pilates. You can invite local businesses such as gyms, health clubs, and spas to join in on the fun by offering them an opportunity to learn more about your business.

Try focusing on the benefits of Pilates instead of simply promoting yourself as an instructor. For example: “Pilates is a low impact workout that reduces stress while improving posture and flexibility.” Or maybe: “Pilates strengthens core muscles which helps improve balance so you can perform everyday tasks with ease.” The goal here is not only to let people know what they’ll get out of taking classes but also why they should consider signing up–and this means highlighting benefits over features (i.e., what makes Pilates unique). Be sure not all these points apply directly back towards yourself though; otherwise this could come across as self-centered rather than helpful/informative!

At any event where there will be food served (especially if it’s free), make sure there are options available for people with dietary restrictions such as gluten allergies or vegetarianism because some may not want something else just because yours doesn’t work for them! This way everyone gets something yummy without feeling left out from lack thereof 🙂

Offer free workouts on YouTube and Facebook Live.

One of the best ways to promote your business is by offering free workouts on YouTube and Facebook Live.

The most important thing you need to know about both platforms is that they are completely free, so there’s no excuse not to use them! You can also use copyrighted music on YouTube if you purchase the rights from whoever owns it (for example, Sam Smith). However, if you want to avoid paying for any sort of licensing fee then I would recommend that instead of uploading videos with copyrighted music in the background or foreground; instead just record yourself talking about Pilates without any background music at all (or just use some generic instrumental music). This way people will still be able to hear what you have to say while they’re working out but won’t feel like they’re listening through earphones while someone else profits off their hard work!

I personally prefer using Facebook Live because it has fewer restrictions than YouTube does when it comes down

Pilates instructors can benefit from promoting their businesses just like any other business, and these tips can help get that job done.

Pilates instructors can benefit from promoting their businesses just like any other business, and these tips can help get that job done.

  • Create a community. A community is something that you and your clients will be able to engage with on a regular basis. It could be anything from an email list or Facebook group to an Instagram account or YouTube channel. The goal here is to create an environment where people feel connected to each other, not just with you as the instructor.
  • Build a referral network. One of the best ways that Pilates instructors promote themselves is by being referred by current clients who already love what they do! By making sure all of your clients feel valued and respected (and giving them lots of positive feedback), it’s likely that many will want others know about how amazing their experience was working with you–and refer potential customers directly through word-of-mouth recommendations!


Pilates instructors have the benefit of being able to promote their businesses in a variety of ways. They can create communities around their studios and host events that bring people together. They can also use social media and other online platforms to reach out to potential clients who might not know about Pilates yet but could benefit from it in their lives. If you’re looking for some new ideas on how best to promote yourself as an instructor, then consider using these nine unique business promotion ideas! Click here to start your own Pilates studio.