Prepare For 6 Hours Of Pilates Tests Before Becoming certified


The following are steps to prepare for your six-hour Pilates certification. Every Pilates teacher training Sydney must prepare for certification exams and they will undergo.

Take Pilates classes with a variety of instructors.

When you’re just starting out, it might be tempting to take all your Pilates classes with the same teacher and style. After all, they know the studio and are familiar with their students. But this is a great time to branch out! There’s no better way to get a feel for different instructors than by experiencing them firsthand. Not only will you learn how other instructors teach, but you can also learn about different techniques and styles—and eventually become more proficient at tailoring instruction based on each student’s needs in order to create an effective workout for them.

Which brings us back around to our original point: Take lots of classes so that when you’re ready to start teaching yourself (which we’ll get into later), there will be no shortage of ideas or methods from which to draw inspiration.

Master the Pilates repertoire.

In order to pass your pilates certification test, you will need to master the basic Pilates repertoire. This includes the first five exercises from Joseph Pilates’ original system:

  • One-legged stance
  • Rolldown
  • Leg Pullback
  • Roll-up (or “crunch”)
  • Double leg lift

Have a good relationship with your pupils.

Having a good relationship with your pupils is important because you should be able to communicate with them and explain things to them. You should be friendly, relaxed, open to feedback, patient and respectful. It is also important that you are a good listener so they feel comfortable around you and can explain what they need from the class.

If you have these qualities then it will make it easier for people to understand what Pilates is all about and this will help them learn more effectively.

A lot of teachers think that they are great teachers but when they get feedback from their pupils they realize they have some areas where they need to improve on their teaching style or technique etc…

Practice, practice, practice teaching in front of others.

You should practice teaching in front of others. It is important that you are able to teach someone in a room, with other people watching. It may be beneficial for you to record yourself and review the video so that you can see what your body looks like when you are teaching. You should also look at yourself in the mirror while teaching so that you can see your facial expressions and eye movements.

You will also want to practice teaching in front of a video camera or mirror before taking any tests or applying for certification. You may find it helpful to have someone take photos during these sessions so that you can use them later when studying for the test itself

Practice defending your choices and being able to explain why you are doing what you are doing.

You will also be asked to explain your choices and defend your decisions. For example, “Why do you choose to use this Pilates apparatus?” or “Why do you choose to teach this type of exercise? Why not that one?”

These questions can be hard for someone who is new at teaching Pilates because all the information about each apparatus or exercise is not yet internalized. If you are asked a question like this during your exam, you have a few options:

  • Have an answer ready in advance (if possible). You could research on the internet what different people say about each apparatus or exercise and prepare some answers before hand so that they’ll come up naturally when asked.
  • Talk through it with another teacher who has their own opinions and experience using different apparatuses/exercises—and learn why they think those choices are good ones!

Read up on anatomy and body alignment so that you are fully prepared for the exam.

The most important thing you can do is read up on anatomy and body alignment so that you are fully prepared for the exam. You will be given a booklet of information to study, so take this as an opportunity to learn as much as possible. After completing the exam, there are several steps that need to be taken in order to become certified. You will need to pay fees and submit paperwork, but once those steps have been completed, there isn’t much else left for you to do!

Becoming a certified Pilates teacher takes time and dedication.

Becoming a certified Pilates teacher takes time and dedication, but the process is worth it once you are able to help others improve their health and fitness.

Along with your teaching skills, you will also need to learn how to instruct students in exercises that can improve their physical well-being. In order for them to get the maximum benefit from these exercises, you must be able to teach them in a way that makes them feel comfortable as well as challenged enough so they will not grow bored during class time.


Becoming a certified Pilates teacher takes time and dedication. There is no way around it. You have to be prepared for at least six hours of testing over the course of about two weeks, which will require you to study hard and practice teaching in front of others. But if you are willing to put in this work, then there is no doubt that you will be able to pass your exam with flying colors! Click here on how Pilates teacher has been certified.